Catch the Biggest Shows of 2024!

Are you a live music fan who wants to catch the funnest Michigan Concerts of the year? Then you've come to the right place, because we can hook you up with amazing tickets for any show on the schedule! We're talking about everything from Niall Horan to Green Day and from Sammy Hagar to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra — so no matter what you're into, we've got you covered. And best of all, great tickets at any price point are just a click away!

Best of all, this site will continue to be an amazing resource for great Michigan concert tickets well into the future, too. That's because it automatically updates every time one of the state's major venues adds a new show, and includes great ticket listings, too. Don't see anything you like on the calendar below? Then check back in a little bit, because chances are there will be soon!

You can learn more about currently scheduled shows via the schedule below, but remember: you're not the only live music fan in this state of nearly 10 million people. If you want to get the best Michigan Concert Tickets in your budget, then you'd better get them now — before someone else does!